Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Bull S#!%...Cat S#!%?

The beginning is a bit cloudy. I feel like I was driving (riding) in a car through barren lands with only brown dirt and no grass anywhere. We drove through many towns and over many railroad tracks, all the towns had small metal silos. Then my family either dropped me off or I was instantly on this median under an overpass with tall grass and a weeping willow. (I've been there many times in dreams just standing with no cars anywhere). Anyway I was with some old man in a white suit like Colonel Sanders'. We walked down a dirt road to a town with farms and factories and the old man all of sudden turned into a young teen who loved to cause mischief in the back of huge factories. Apparently he was like a "bull-escaper" not a bull fighter just a guy who would let really rabid pissed off bulls loose just to chase him and he would just dodge them and stuff like a rodeo clown, very dangerous but I guess it was his profession.

The worst part is that he had a list of all the bulls in town and what addresses they lived at. There were different levels of bull toughness too. Some were "monster" and there were also other categories like "wimpy". Well, he had brought me along to videotape him while he did it. Which meant I had to escape the bull also while filming him. He kindof turned into different people during this time. We went to this place with a small courtyard and he looked at the door number and this bull was higher on the rowdy scale and he opened the door and it ran out and was chasing him. I was filming and he was getting really close to dying and then the bull would come after me, but I was dodging without looking at the bull b/c I still had to film this white suit cowboy. Apparently, I was really good at it because people were complimenting me and the white suit kid hired me full time.

So we go to this abandoned milk farm/factory for the next bull and the door is about to be opened. I feel really uneasy about this bull before we open the door b/c there's not much open area to get away. So genius opens the door and this boar sized bull runs out as fast as hell. He's all over but he's too small to do much damage. The bull runs around really fast for like 5 minutes and then gets hurt or something and falls on some board and starts to shrivel. I yell at the cowboy guy because he totally hurt this poor thing. It shrivels down and turns into a kitten. "Man, we've gotta do something, I think it's dying." I said.
"Naw, it'll be alright. Just wait." he said.
So the bull/kitten starts to shake and bleed a tiny bit through it's fur and dies. I'm so pissed at this guy I want to cuss. I look down at his list and this "bull" is one of the lowest ranked. It's on the practice list and he killed it.


Anonymous said...

what a moron. you should've kicked him in the kentucky fried junk.

Dusty said...

That was a great dream! I would pay to watch a movie of this!


burzen said...

i agree with christian and dusty. i rate this as matt's best dream that i can remember reading on this site